- Hanging Arbor Hammock
Here is the new hanging arbor hammock made for Girls Heaven Event. Start is the 08-22-2021
Available in Adult & PG Bento Animations
Material Enabled
Copy-Mod-No Trans
- FNY Designs - Dried Brittlebush
100% mesh
Materials Enabled
Copy , Mod
- Lagunadream set
Summer bedroom set for the new round of Access event ♥ Lagunadream set includes: Bed: 6Li, 17 solo, 17 couples (PG, MF animations) +42 animations in adult edition Texture change HUD driven - 8 colours for base fabric and blanket, 12 colours for pillows Lamps: 3Li, 2 colours (bronze and silver), light on/off on touch Poufs: 2Li, 25 solo sit animations, 8 colours via touch menu
- Raindale - Windridge gazebo v2
4 versions of Windridge gazebo included (simple - 11Li, with lights - 13Li, with snow - 13Li, with lights and snow - 16Li)
V2 is completely updated with better topology, physics and brand new textures of much better quality!
+ Texture change HUD for 5 wood and 5 roof textures
Old version also included in case you need it!
♦ Permissions are copy|modify|no-transfer
♦ Shows as no-modify due to the scripts inside, but you can resize, tint and change it anyway you like!