- [Kres] Tree Toy Rack
6 Colours versions
2LI each
Copy - Mod
Available at FAMESHEDX
- [Kres] Seduction Set
Neon and fabric version sold separately
You can purchase it in Neon version or Fabric and each comes in Adult or PG. Our adult version comes with Lovebridge, aeros and it's not mine compatibility as well as an oodle of amazing bento animations. The Chair and Table both include a hud that allows you to mix/match 16 colours and 8 patterns as well as 7 metals and on the Neon version there are 21 neon options including chaser lights or static. It's just 4Li for the chair and 3Li for the table and materials are enabled.
Available at the mainstore and Marketplace
- [Kres] Lewd Lounge
Available at the mainstore