- DT- Hallway Collection
Hamida Bench (2 LI - 18 textures and 4 metals)
Hamida Art (1 LI - 5 textures and 2 border rim )
Vida Lamp (1LI- 4 metal colours)
Cloud rug (1LI - 8 textures)
Brie Tray Clutter (Touch candle to turn on)
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Available at the mainstore
living room with open kitchen
luxury bathroom
Easy-to-use home that you can use on your island
Low Prim
Baked lights and shadow
100% MESH All done with 3DS Max and Blender
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Beautiful and Very realistic MESH.
Available at the mainstore and marketplace
- [ SQUARE ] - Tropical Plant Collection - 1
3-6 LI
HD Material Textures
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Available at Dubai Event