- UNA. Luisa
Sleeves & Dress
Fatpack with extra colors
Maitreya, perky, petite, legacy, ebody and khara sizes.
Available at Midnight Order Event
- UNA. Luisa Tiara
Crown Gold & Silver
Una Gift Group
Avaliable in Store or in Midnigth Order Event
- :[P]:- Valkyrus Halberd Blogpack
100% Custom Mesh & Textures
Extensive HUD w/66 Metals
Hold on Attach 9 Anims + Blank
Modify, Resizable, Unisex
Mod / Copy / No Transfer
Available at the mainstore
- ::Loa:: Gaia Face Paint ~LeLutka EVO X~ [BOM]
The Gaia Face Paint comes in 26 different BOM layers and it includes materials for the full version.
- ^^Swallow^^ Noldor Elf Ears
- Magika - Celeste