-Sorumin- Woman in White SET
Maitreya / Petite
Legacy / Perky
Kupra / Hups
Ebody Reborn
Eacjo color has HID with 3 materias - Cotton, Silk and Leather
Also it have version without blood
Available at Satan Inc. event
-Sorumin- Trick Reward 2022 -Bloody necklace-
Rigged & Unrigged versions
Copy and Modify
Upon spending 800L in the event, the customer will be able choose which reward mystery box to unlock (Trick or Treat?). ► The second mistery box gets unlocked upon spending a total of 1500L in the event and the customer will automatically
Available at Satan Inc. event
-Sorumin- Skull mask SET
Copy, no transfer, modify. Unrigged.
Available at Anthem
Xplicit Love Altar. Try something different, introduce a new RP to your SL and discover your new favourite experience.
░▒▓██████ FEATURES INCLUDE ██████▓▒░ ❶ Original Mesh Design and Textures ❷ 110 High Quality Animations including New Bento Animations ❸ 100% Bento for All Animations ❹ Auto-Attach Particles effects ❺ Particles Effects Menu ❻ Sits 2 People ❼ Multi-Speed Animations ❽ Aeros and Physics Cock Enabled ❾ Its Not Mine Cum System ❿ No pose-balls, just right click and sit. Low lag ⓫Copy version has free lifetime updates ⓬Security Options ❤═════════════ BOX CONTENT ═════════════❤ ❶ Xplicit Love Altar (copy modify only) (15 Land Impact) ❷ Xplicit Love Altar Background Stonework (5 land impact) ❸Updater Box ❤═════════════ EXPERIENCE ═════════════❤ EXPERIENCE (this item can work without experience enabled but it works best with it) “Second Life has now enabled 'experiences' which will allow automatic attachments of props (no permission request). Enable the experience 'AVsitter' (by Code Violet) on your land, estate or parcel level by adding it to the Allowed list. Experiences are enabled under 'About Land' in the SL viewer.” - Code Violet ❤═════════════ BENTO ═════════════❤ All animations are either built in hand Bento or have Bento hand animations added. All animations have face expressions added for mesh heads. Old legacy SL avatar heads will not animate. Both Bento hand and Bento expressions can be turned ON/OFF using respective buttons in the [ADJUST] menu. If you are stuck in a Bento animation, use the 'Fix Face' menu.
Available at the mainstore marketplace