- Raindale - Sweetlight fullset
Sweetlight is a limited collection for December round of Arcade (2021).
It won't be available for sale after the round is over!
Includes assorted Holiday decor (1-3Li per object)
- Raindale - Sweetlight arch
- Raindale - Sweetlight arch (snowy)
- Raindale - Sweetlight candy canes decor
- Raindale - Sweetlight lollipop decor
- Raindale - Sweetlight sled with gift (withe)
- Raindale - Sweetlight sled with gift (wood)
- Raindale - Sweetlight tree
- Raindale - Sweetlight tree (snowy)
- Raindale - Sweetlight wooder snowflake (dark)
- Raindale - Sweetlight wooder snowflaker (light)
- Raindale - Sweetlight wreath
- Raindale - Sweetlight wreath (snowy)
- Raindale - Sweetlight snowflake ( blue )
- Raindale - Sweetlight snowflake ( gold )
- Raindale - Sweetlight snowflake ( green )
- Raindale - Sweetlight snowflake ( red )
- Raindale - Sweetlight snowflake ( teal )
- Raindale - Sweetlight snowflake ( white )
♦ Permissions are no-copy|modify+|transfer+
♦ some objects show as no-modify due to the scripts inside, but you can resize, tint and change it anyway you like!
- TLC 'Little Thieves' - Grey Squirrels Set*
│T│L│C│'Little Thieves' - Grey Squirrels Set, including animated grey squirrels and snowman, 4 LI/ squirrel, 4 LI/ snowman, copy modify. Find it at Tannenbaum After the event, the sets will be available at Marketplace and Mainstore
- FNY Designs - Xmas Pets
Exclusive at TLC Event Nov. 18th - Dez 10th.