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Foto do escritorPriscilla Van Hyden

Little Branch / The Green Door

Compliment your landscape with our sturdy Young Oak series, The Young Oak is a great accent to many of Little Branch's creations!

The Young Oak is 100% mesh and includes an easy to use menu changer with four seasons. Realistic textures, copy/mod, reasonable prims and perfect for any season!

-Props at the scene NOT included.

-Prims: 3 Li to 7 Li depend on the Size. Default Size had 6Li.

~The Green Door~ Blog Box - Turner House

The Turner House is a butterfly-style contemporary one-story home featuring a two-way fireplace shared between a generous living area and a large bedroom. Perfect for a single, or a couple who wants just a cozy lounging space with a view from the ribbon-wrap windows and a separate bedroom. Change interior wall colors, exterior siding colors and floor colors with the control panel. With a ground footprint of 18.5x22.5 meters you will have plenty of space on your 1014 parcel, and only 36 LI. Available at Cosmopolitan

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