- Winter Diningroom Set PBR [Erfe Design]
Chair 3LI
Comes with the color changer HUD
chair moving according to animations
have 14 different foods
30+HQ single - eating - drinking anims
have 6 colored chairs in the HUD
Back Decor
Has Black or white color selection in HUD
Table with decors 28LI
table has black or white colors in HUD
Table runner has 6 different colors in HUD
Table Light 20LI
Christimas tree 11 LI
2K HQ Textures
Textures and PBR Materials
Suitable for Non PBR Viewers
Copy / Mod / No Transfer
Available at Equal10
A tower of beautiful holiday baubles for seasonal decorating!
* 6 colour options (touch for menu to change colour)
* 2 land impact , for size as seen inworld. It's fairly large, but as it's modify you could resize it smaller for a mantelpiece etc.
* best viewed with the Advanced Lighting Setting checked in viewer graphic preferences, as it uses emissive mask texture to glow and light the little lights on it
* original mesh
* copy. mod
Available at the mainstore and marketplace