- DD Necare Wild Garden/ADD
New and exclusive for the upcoming Wanderlust 16 & 17 Of April.
This is a wild romantic backdrop with blinking ground lights sways on the trees and floating lights.
This is pretty heavy on Li but it is a complete scene and will increase if resized..
Mod / Copy / No Trans
Sale is at the mainstore.
- Raindale - Lovelybloom hammock
3 versions of hammock included: 9Li (full, as shown on the ad), 6Li (with simplier base) and 5Li (no base)
+separate giant flower (2Li) and mushrooms (1Li) included
solo and couples (PG) animations
*giant flower comes with texture change menu for petals (touch to activate, you can also change access)
♦ Permissions are copy|modify|no-transfer
♦ some objects show as no-modify due to the scripts inside, but you can resize, tint and change it anyway you like!
Available at We Love Roleplay