- Noel Sleigh Bed Adult/ADD
New & Exclusive for Dirty Discounts 12-10-2021
Bento Animations
With FF & MM Bento
Comes with the wall wreath
Material Enabled
Copy-Mod-No Trans
Available at the mainstore
- Lagom - Mega bulbs
Alpha / No Alpha
Material / No Material
Copy / M / NT
Available at the mainstore
The Candy Queen has stolen all the toys. Can you help rescue them and save Christmas?
Before the hunt starts, we kindly ask you to read the Guide For Hunters. It will give you details about the HUD and how to use it, show you what the toys look like, and tell you how to collect your prizes and achievements. Make sure to read the Hunt Rules too! We hope you are as excited as we are to rescue the toys! *Note hunt location and HUD vendors will go live when the hunt starts.
Join us as we roam the grid to rescue toys stolen by the Candy Queen and save Christmas! ❄️ To participate as a hunter, purchase a HUD. The Guide For Hunters will give you all the details: MadPea Magical Toy Rescue – Guide for Hunters – MadPea (madpeagames.com) ❄️ To participate as a location, purchase toys to hide at your parcel, sim, store, club, or anywhere you'd like extra traffic. The Guide For Locations will tell you more: MadPea Magical Toy Rescue – Guide for Locations – MadPea (madpeagames.com) Hunt HUD and Toys can be purchased at the Hunt Starting Location
In this photo you can see:
- MadPea: Christmas Hunt Prizes:
MadPea Twisty Snowmen
Mod / Copy / No Trans
2-3 LI
Introducing the new Douglas Fir Tree!! Botanist-explorer David Douglas — this tree’s namesake — described it as “one of the most striking and truly graceful objects in nature.” Tree expert Michael Dirr heralded it as “one of the noblest forest trees.” To say the Douglas fir is beloved by the tree people of the world is definitely accurate. The general public has a number of reasons to appreciate this tree as well. Douglas fir is one of the most important lumber species, it makes up nearly half of all Holiday trees grown in the U.S., and its attractive appearance and growth rate make it popular in yards and parks. These 100% original mesh creations are highly detailed with realistic textures and animated foliage resulting in a true, life-like appearance. A choice of four seasons are readily available via an easy to use pop-up menu to keep your landscaping current. Owner permissions allow Copy & Modify to ensure that each item can be adapted to suit your unique needs with a total land impact value of 3 - 7 Li.